Try our new product configurator

Have you seen one of our new products at the London or Chicago showroom?

Have you seen one of our new products at the London or Chicago showroom?

Softbox upholstered storage unit, Knot side table or the Cloud work booth? Well we’re so glad you got to see them and have come back to find out more!

The new Softbox fabric upholstered storage unit


The new Knot side table nestled inside a Cloud booth
Preview of the new Cloud work booth with a Viv Wood chair

We couldn’t quite wait to show these exciting new products and as such we are not quite ready to take orders on them yet but we will be very soon.

Full product information and pricing will be available over the next 2-3 months, please check back here on or contact your local rep, sales person or to register your interest.


Part of the MillerKnoll collective.